Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bring on #3

Our camera has seen better days, so I can't get a good shot of it, but I need you to imagine a picture of a pregnancy test with a positive result. Now imagine Kim coming home from work and waking me up with the positive pregnancy test in her hand. Now imagine me trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes to figure out what in the world is happening. Now imagine a lot of big smiles, screaming, jumping, and overall happiness. Yes, we are having another baby!

The first thing Owen said when he found out was, "Can I have a baby sister this time?" Kim has had two dreams of having a baby girl, so we'll see. We don't know any details yet about how far along she is, but we'll keep you posted.


Shelly said...

WOW!!! THAT IS FANTASTIC! Congratulations. I am so excited for you. Let us know as soon as you know a due date!

Marja said...

Kimmy, That is the most exciting news ever! We can't wait to hear all of the updates! Yay, yay, yay, from the Reynolds!!

Joel and Kristie said...

Congratulations!!! This is soooo exciting, I can't wait to see if those girl dreams come true, so far, mine have been right, so fingers crossed that Kim's are right too!!!!

meohmyers said...

YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!!!! We're SOOOOO excited for you guys! I love the thought of Rhett already being a big brother at such a young age! I can't wait to find out what you're having! Hopefully Owie will get his baby sister. Congrats on such exciting and unexpected news! We love you guys so much!!!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Congratulations! I was hoping you'd post the juicy details!! That is so amazing and fun that you've had the joy of an unexpected pregnancy. You are going to be some busy parents!

dkeaquinto said...

Congrats!!! We were just talking about #3 at the zoo, I didn't know I had ESP... :)

Gillie said...

I guess if you post it on your blog, I can tell everyone then? Congrats guys! So excited for you. If you think of any good girl names you won't be using, I'm feeling a little stumped. Pass them along, will you?

Ricki said...

Soooo Exciting! I can still see the beaming smile on Chris's face when he told Dion and I at preschool! What a proud Papa!!! I think it is funny how infertility turns into fertility after a couple kids!! You better just watch out! You could end up with a crew like ours!!!

Jessica said...

YEAH-That is sooo exciting!! I am so happy for you guys!! What a great surprise :)


That is great news - congrats you guys, I am almost two weeks from my due date and very ready to have the baby! We need to get savy and owen together again soon!

Derrick and Angie said...

Horray! Congratulations to you! It makes my day bright hearing such good news! love you, kimmie!

Lisa said...

I just saw this post, congratulations to both of you! What great news. Is this baby going to be named Joe?

Sheila said...

Yeah, Kim! Congrats!

Brittany said...

That is awsome, I will keep my fingers crossed for a girl, she needs someone to even it out! I will keep checking in, so keep us updated!