Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Holy shnikeys. We got back from Georgia last Wednesday, but I have been working 11 hour days since then. I am at our Cedar City store right now, and there's no customers at the moment, so I thought I'd finally do another blog. I was tagged on the Oh Me Oh Myers blog to do this one word response thingy. I'll ease back into the blogosphere with this list. I promise I'll do a post about our many adventures in Georgia as soon as I can get some free time at home with the digital camera. Enjoy this fine instrumental by my favorite band while you read. (The moron that made this audio code spelled the title of the song wrong. It's supposed to be Arco Arena.)

Yourself: surprising

Your partner: dependable

Your hair: waterproof

Your mother: gentle

Your father: concerned

Your favorite item: piano

Your dream last night: eating

Your favorite drink: chocolatemilk

Your dream car: this

Your dream home: mortgage-free

The room you're in right now: store

Your fear: roofs

Where you want to be in 10 years: healthier

Who you hung out with last night: Adriana Costa

You're not: mean

Wish list item: this

Last thing you did: activated

What are you wearing: tie

Favorite weather: Autumn

Favorite book: Holes

Last thing you ate: grapes

Your life: swamped

Your mood: anxious

Your best friend: wife

What are you thinking about right now: selling

Your car: lame

What are you doing at the moment: breathing

Relationship status: hitched

What's on TV: sports

Last time you laughed: 12:30pm


Anonymous said...

ha ha. Good list. Why IS your hair waterproof by the way??

meohmyers said...

You make me laugh! Glad you found time to post this list. Who is Adriana Costa? I can't wait to see all your pics from Georgia. Hope you find time to post those soon!!

Chris said...

Adriana Costa is the host of that reality show "On the Lot."

Chris said...

As for the waterproof hair, I had a girl tell me that once when she was about to cut my hair. I've never forgotten it.

meohmyers said...

I know you have a life outside of blogging but please, please, please can I see all the pics from Georgia?!?! I'm dying here! Make time this weekend, promise?