Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the Beat Goes On

I think it's funny that my last post was the shortest one I've ever done, but it generated the lengthiest comment list. I hate to break it off, but I've got some pregnancy news:

I believe our new baby is going to be a professional prankster or a magician. Kim went in for another appointment yesterday, and the doctor had the hardest time finding the heartbeat. The baby was either sneaking around in some dark recess of Kim's womb or performing some magical Houdini-ish heart-stopping trick. After rolling around on the examination table a few times, Kim found the right position for the doctor to hear the reassuring thumps. Kim was pretty worried, because she has been extremely sick the last week. The doctor let Kim listen to the heartbeat for a long time to let her know the baby was fine. In fact, she said by hearing the heartbeat, the chances of a miscarriage went down from 30% to 5%.

So we are at 10 1/2 weeks now. Everything is going very well except Kim's nausea. That should clear up soon though with this recent addition to Owen's prayers: "Please bless the baby that it won't make Mama puke."


Anonymous said...

Am so glad you moved on to a better subject!! Out of the mouths of babes!! Too cute!! I am sure Heavenly Father was smiling too!! I am sorry she is so sick, but like you complaints!! It should not be too long before it goes away.Will pray it does!! It is just so exciting!! Have you talked names??

Chris said...

We've talked names, but we've come to no decisions. Owen is a Welsh name, so I've thrown some more Welsh names out there like Bronwyn, Gwendolyn, and Dewey, but Kim has rejected them all.

meohmyers said...

I totally remember feeling so reassured after hearing the heartbeat. I hated when they took forever to find it! I'm so glad everything is still going well. We have you in our prayers every night, too. I love what Owen says in his!

By the way, do you still like Bryn or Lindsay?

Chris said...

We still like Bryn and Lindsay. We might use Brynn with a double n. It's a Welsh name like Owen if you spell it that way. The only problem is that Rich and Annie want to name a daughter Brynna. I'm not sure how they would spell it. Who knows? It might be a boy.

Anonymous said...

Think pink!!! I hate to give this beautiful pink blanket to a boy!! :)

Brittany said...

I am so excited for you and will check out your blog so keep it updated with the fun baby news!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim feeling sick with this pregnancy must mean it's a girl! See Kim you never thought you would have a girl. I'm so glad you are pregnant but wish you were closer so we could be with you to share in this happiest of times!