Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter...and Owen's Kiester

Happy Easter everyone! In our new house, Owen's room is on the complete opposite side than our room, so we still use a baby monitor just to hear what's going on. We woke up this morning to strange splashing sounds coming from said monitor. It turns out, Owen was just fulfilling his mother's request from the night before to be a big boy and go pee all by himself. He ran into our room, sans pants, screaming at the top of his lungs..."I went pee pee all by myself!" He actually did! Right in the toilet! Not a drop on the floor, wall, or towels!

After the celebration, he found his Easter basket and the hidden eggs, and then proceeded to hide the eggs, find them, hide them, find them, hide them, and find them again.

After church, we took these pictures to show off my new suit that I wrote about earlier. Kim and I are starting the diet again first thing tomorrow morning, because the pants are already a little bit too tight. The only things missing from the ensemble are my new Italian leather shoes. Those haven't come in yet.

Owen kept telling us he didn't have a watch.

Nice suit, huh?

So Kim and I are finishing dinner preparations, and Owen jumps on the playhouse disney website to play some games. I go into the study to tell him dinner is ready, and he was so involved in saving Timon and Pumba from the scorpions, that he forgot bowel movements and micturation belong in the toilet. So much for Owen's pantless celebration this morning.


meohmyers said...

That is awesome, Owie!! Take it one success at a time! Great job! I love your suit, Chris. You look so sharp! And of course GQ would snatch you right up if they got a hold of these poses. I'm sure the shoes will add just the right touch.

nana jo said...

Very, very nice suit Chris! I loved the way Owie is posing exactly like you. Reminds me of the old adage, children do what you do, not what you say.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is one handsome set of threads!! I'm with Kim...GQ watch out, a new man is in town!! Owie just makes me laugh...he is so darn cute!! Nice father-son pictures!! Loved it!!!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Man, you and Owen are lookin buff! Sounds like you had the best Easter present ever! I started a new blog just for you guys. check out
Teach my kids how to pose for the camera now!