Friday, April 13, 2007

Kim is so cute when she's angry

Adoption update...In order for the FBI to do a criminal background check, we had to finally get Utah driver's licenses. We've only been in the state for 11 months, what's the rush? I managed to get some time off the same time as Kim, so we headed down to take the very challenging open book test and become legal again. The pleasant lady at the counter informed us that we had to have proof of our new address. We had nothing. That meant corralling Owen back into the car and driving the 20 minutes back home to get a utility bill. After driving the 20 minutes back to the DMV and waiting in line, Kim got to speak to a friendly old man, and I got the pleasant lady from before. I handed her the utility bill, and she informed me that I needed 2 separate items to prove our new address. I've only seen Kim angrier on one occasion...the time we went golfing and the man behind us on the par 3 didn't wait for us to walk off of the green before he teed off. The ball hit Kim in the ankle, and she let out a tirade of vulgarity that would make Eminem proud. (That was the Christmas my family gave me a pair of fake testicles as a gift because they thought I should have stood up to the man more than Kim did.) Long story short, nobody at the DMV got hurt, the old man let us through with just the utility bill, and Kim had a hard time smiling for her picture.

Today is my half birthday. Happy half birthday to me.


meohmyers said...

I can't picture Kim getting angry. I would like to see her driver's license though! Glad to hear she's human, too.

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

That is such a great story! It takes skill to get angry and get what you want. I just end up making people madder and getting into trouble. You are an awesome writer Chris. I love the way you describe stuff.

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate, but can't picture Kim angry either!! I know that must have been one frustrating trip home to get the utility bill!! The whole event is fare for an episode of Saturday Night Live!! Can hardly wait to see the picture!! :)