Friday, April 6, 2007

Turn Your Head and Cough

In adoption news...I had my mandatory physical the other day to determine if I am healthy enough to adopt. Besides being slightly chubby for my height and having an irritating skin fungus in the dark and dreary places of my body (which should clear up in the next two weeks with the prescribed cream...I know...too much information), the doctor says I am in excellent health. I know you all are anxiously awaiting the news for Kim's upcoming physical. I will keep you posted.

Congratulations to all of you that weren't fooled by my April Fools entry. I tried to make it easy for you. If you look at all the capital letters in the title, it spells April Fools. Owen had a blast letting us dump ketchup on his head. He really wasn't mad at us. That was the face he made when we told him to act like he was crying.

Sorry it has taken awhile to do another post. I have been bogged down reading all of your comments. That was sarcastic. Please feel free to leave comments. They don't have to be long. You can even call me names if you want.


Anonymous said...

hey, just thought I would leave a comment! there you go!

meohmyers said...

My last comment was on your last post before I read this one. This one answered all of my questions! I just want to know why is it that Julie commented on yours before mine? Thanks for the update on the adoption process. That fungus sounds a little disturbing! Good luck with everything!

meohmyers said...

By the way, wish we could have seen you in Utah. We'll just have to wait till July. I'm still trying to decide what to do. I'll email everyone details about that later. Hopefully you'll have a new baby to bring to the reunion! :)

Courtney said...

i didn't even know you could leave comments...this is all new to me, ha! I love all your posts, they make me laugh! Keep the pictures coming too-owen is getting so big! Happy Easter and i hope the Ginger Bread Man finally clears up!