Friday, April 27, 2007

Another Adoption Update and Owen the Storyteller

So enough about beatboxing...We finally have all of our beginning papers turned in so the FBI can start their background checks. (I'm glad I wasn't in the car that time the old ladies got the license plate number after being drenched with super soakers).

We have some good connections now in our new ward. There is a lady that we haven't met yet, but apparently she has all kinds of connections with adoption agencies. There is a couple in our ward that adopted a Hurricane Katrina baby only a week after they told her they were interested in adopting. Who knows? Maybe we will have a new baby by the family reunion. I sure hope so. I'm getting pretty tired of Owen. Just kidding!!!

I wrote in my profile that Owen impresses me every day, and it is true. I want to take an x-ray of his head, because I think his brain is probably 50% sponge. I'm probably just being a proud dad, but he has the best memory. Kim and I recorded him the other day telling us the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Is that normal? I had kindergartners that couldn't even tell me their last name, and he is reciting fairy tales? He doesn't leave out a single detail. He's not even 3 1/2 yet! He loves it when we tell him personal stories too, and then he'll recite them for weeks afterwards. His favorites right now are when I was a kid flying on an airplane for the first time and squirted mayonnaise all over the guy's shoulder next to me, and when Kim went golfing for the first time and her tee shot line drived right into the side of a goose.


meohmyers said...

Chris! That's so exciting! When will you meet the lady in your ward? That is so awesome! I would love to meet my new little niece (or nephew) at the reunion!

Owen is a little smartie pants. I'm not surprised, though, his parents are geniuses! I love that story of you squirting the guy beside you with the mayonnaise! I remember it as clear as day!

I love all the updates on the whole adoption process. I love that you're not leaving anything out. We're praying that it will happen soon! Love you guys!

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

Owen sounds like the cutest kid ever! He's a primary teacher's dream. Until they learn the word penis. Then you've got smart spreading around places you'd rather not. It makes for funny stories on blogs though! :)

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